Rasavatham or Alchemy is the branch of ancient proto-science and secretive Tamil Siddha knowledge system developed and practiced Tamil Siddha tradition. Of course modern biology, chemistry and medicine branched out from the science of alchemy. The Tamil Siddhas are a kind of mystics lived many thousands year ago in South India. Actually they are beyond time. They are still living among us in their light body and serving humanity. They are mainly Saiva Siddhantis followed the tradition Lord Shiva and Saiva Siddhanta. Siddhas achieved spiritual perfection and the power to control the physical world and their practices often related with cosmology and Tantricism. Some of the Siddha alchemists and their contribution to rasavtham (alchemy) is shown below:
Agathiyar Siddhar: manuscripts Vaidiya Sigamani, Chendhooram - 300, Mani-400, Sivajalam, Sakthijalam etc.
Bhogar Siddhar: Bhogar's contribution on the synthesis of mercury, mercurial compounds and arsenical compounds are note worth. In Bhogar's Pogar (Bogar)-7000 aka. Saptakanda he reveals details ofvarious medicinal preparations to his disciple Pullippani Siddhar (so named as he is believed to have wandered in the forests atop a puli or tiger) and at every stage he quotes his guru Kalangināthar Siddhar as the authority. It is considered that the statue of Lord Dhandayudhapani (Palani temple) was concocted with Nava pasana (Nine arsenical compounds).
Konganar Siddhar: Out of all Konganar's works more than 40 deal with the alchemy and the elixir (muppu) of life.
Therayar Siddhar is considered as the master of all the fields like astrology, mysticism, alchemy, medicine and language.
Edaikadar Siddhar: Edaikadar's contribution towards Rasavatham/Kayakalpam is remarkable.
Chatta Muni Siddhar: Chatta Muni took kalpam to change the body thathuvas and by which he evolved 96 thathuvas.
Siddha alchemy is unfathomable. Alchemy is a study of the basic elements called fire, water, earth and air. It is the study of transmutation. It was first studied to learn how to change lead into gold. It is similar to chemistry, but much older. People who studied alchemy were called alchemists.
According to Siddha alchemy and Siddha Tantric parlance, mercury is the representation of male (Shiva) form Shiva’s metal (Shivadhatu with divine (seminal) energy consciousness ). Whereas sulphur, the chemical element associated in the solidification process, is considered as the representation of female (Shakti or Gauri, consort of Shiva) form.
Mercury is the deadly poisonous substance obtained in semi-liquid form. Siddhas conducted amazing experiments with purification and transformative rituals to bring forth hidden qualities of mercury. They treated mercury with metals and other poisonous substances and developed the secretive mystical alchemical science. Alchemy deals with the basic elements known as fire, water, earth and air. All living and non-living subjects in this cosmic universe include these basic elements. Alchemy is the discipline concerned with transmutation. The science of alchemy paved way to develop number of scientific disciplines such as alchemy (modern), biology, bio-chemistry, bio-physics, chemistry, medical sciences, and pharmaceutical and therapeutic sciences.
What are the goals and the purposes of alchemy? The two major goals of alchemists were : the transmutation of lead and other base metals into gold, and the discovery of the "elixir of life". Alchemy of transmutation is known as chrysopoeia which aims the creation of a panacea, and the discovery of a universal solvent.
During the alchemy process, the metals and other poisonous nature of substances are transmuted into a powerful new form with bio-chemical, therapeutic, and spiritual properties for treating intractable diseases.
They even formulated the “transformation” and “purification” and “refinement” processes and documented the processes of alchemy in uniquely coded Tamil poetic form. With the art and science of alchemy they aimed to achieve many perfections and Siddhis. When mercury is refined through alchemical process (108 sanskars of mercury), it starts to acquire certain higher dimensional energetic qualities. Mercury alchemy leads to Siddha pharmaceutical system wherein lots of oxides (bhasmams) and other Siddha preparations are developed to treat number of diseases as well as rejuvenate the body and promote longevity.
The process of solidification of mercury is the surreptitious process documented by Tamil Siddhas. Pada-rasam is the given In Tamil to mercury and the Siddhas carved Shiva Lingam from solidified mercury and called as Rasalingam. Modern science develops the mercury amalgam (solidified mercury amalgam) by treating with few metals. Siddha alchemy solidifies mercury by submerging the fluid prepared with certain medicinal herbs and few other pharmaceutical substances and allow to settle under shadow light for a specific period of time.
Another important quest of alchemy is the transmutation of low value metals (example lead) into precious metals like gold and silver. Changing the element requires changing the atomic (proton) number. The precious metals have been subjected to incineration process for the conversion and preparation of metallic oxides (bhaspams), and reduce metals into red (chendhrams) and white (chunnams) calcinated salts (metallic nano-particles) to treat chronic diseases as well as to promote longevity.
Tamil Siddhas were concerned with the unique discovery of 'Muppu.' What is 'Muppu?' Muppu is termed as the universal solvent prepared by combining three salts representing three natural elements i.e, water, air an fire. Muppu was used in the consolidation process of mercury into pills as well as for rejuvenation purposes. There are different types of muppu preparations classified and documented by Siddhas. To make it clear, the constituents of the universal solvents differed depending upon the application of muppu in internal alchemy, external alchemy, pharmaceutical and therapeutic uses. Muppu was potent enough to reduce minerals into white (chunnum) or red (chenduram) calcinated powders and invigorate the medical potency. In total muppu is the rejuvenating medicine and to maintain human body young, energetic and free from diseases.
A critical study of the chronology of Sidha by KV.Ramakrishna Rao
Alchemy – A Siddha Science by Kaulabhairav
சித்தர் அறிவியல் Wisdoms of Siddhars

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